Friday, April 9, 2010

Help each other out

I got this email from a young girl 'Kevin Elaine'.

Hey. I'm new to BMX, and I'm scared out of my mind. None of my friends are into this, and I don't have a great area to practice tricks. Any advice or tips? It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
- An Aspiring Rider

Leave some comments to help her out... We all start somewhere so why not make it easier for the next generation of girl riders to get out there and give it a go.


Alice said...

When i started out, i felt like i couldn't get anything accomplished. That what the guys took 3 months to accomplish, i got it in a year. We all start out kind of freaked out, firstly of falling, getting hurt and of what people may think. actually, with time, and the more you ride your bike, the more you get into it and start enjoying it. It's at that moment that your confidence builds up and you start trying tricks and things like that.
If i can give you one tip, it's that you ride for yourself, that you have fun in doing so. Don't pressure yourself because you're not achieving a goal, enjoy what you are achieving, that's how you'll get better.

happy riding & good luck girl =)

Maude said...

I'd say.. try to get inspired by videos of girl riding.. you can learn the basics in front of your house..bunnyhops and manuals

and if you have the budget try to come at one of the contest that girls goes..

Kara said...

Sorry i didn't know how to find this!
New bookmark!
What i wanna know is, what you're scared of exactly?
Scared to ride a place with others? Scared of getting hurt?
A great way to get comfortable riding, is making friends who do it. Go to a local park. Find some people and ask them for advice! Most are very open to giving it - we all had to start somewhere!
If it's fear of pain, best put some kneepads and a lid on. I wear those and it helps my confidence as i know if i fall, i can get back up no problem! (i'm clumsy anyways)

When i started, i lifted the front to see if i could do that. Many successes! Then, figure out how to lift the back wheel. If you can do that, you can then learn to bunnyhop.

There are some how-to's on youtube. Natalie Wade has some great and fun how-to's! is a good place for information, i'm on there as rogue_rider - anyone with questions, pop that shizzle my way!

Four tricks to try : bunnyhop, footjam, manual, fakie.

Look those up on youtube, give 'em a try!

Let us know how you progress!!!
